Who we are

Our Tribe

Northwest Vineyard is part of the Vineyard Churches Aotearoa New Zealand family of churches.

To find out more about Vineyard, New Zealand click here.


What are Vineyard churches?

Vineyard Churches Aotearoa New Zealand (VCANZ) is an association of the Vineyard churches in which we share our common sense of calling and mission to the overall betterment of the kingdom of God. Each Vineyard church has its own Charitable Trust status and leadership structure, is autonomous and free to make its own decisions and minister in the way the Holy Spirit leads.


Vineyard history

Vineyard Churches were founded in the 1970’s in California. In 1982, John Wimber and several other pastors led their existing churches into the Vineyard as their visions were complementary, and before long John became leader of the movement. There are now over 2,400 affiliated Vineyard Churches worldwide.

The Vineyard in New Zealand continues to plant churches and play its part in the international development of the Vineyard movement. There are now many Vineyard churches and church plants throughout New Zealand. The Vineyard is committed to taking it's place in the Church in New Zealand and the world, to fulfil the calling God has given us as a "tribe" within the family of God, to bring our flavour to the whole and in so doing enrich the Church and be enriched by the Church.

Vineyard churches in New Zealand were launched in March 1995 when the 10 New Zealand Harvest Christian Centres that had been founded by Lloyd & Victoria Rankin became Vineyard Christian Fellowships.


Vineyard beliefs

Foundationally, at Northwest Vineyard we align ourselves completely with the Vineyard Statement of Faith which you can read here.


Vineyard Guiding Principles

Jesus called us to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" and to "Love your neighbour as yourself" (Mark 12:30-31). He also said to love one another as He loved us (John 13:34). Vineyard churches outwork these commands through three guiding principles, for which we use the analogy of the head (our theological centre), the heart (our relational centre) and the hands (our ministry centre).

Theological centre: Kingdom Theology and Practice

Vineyard churches are committed to the theology and practice of the kingdom of God - which we view as the over-arching and integrating theme of the Bible. We are committed to proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and to bearing witness to the "already and not yet" of the kingdom in word and deed through healing (physical, emotional and social), doing justice and seeing people released to enjoy a full relationship with God.

Relational Centre: Loving God and loving people

Vineyard churches welcome God's presence, seeking in worship and prayer to hear His voice and to be obedient to His leading. As we become increasingly sensitive and responsive to the Spirit's presence, we "see what the Father is doing" and pursue that with passion. We also love people – inside and outside the church – with relationships characterised by respect and honour. "Being Disciples, Making Disciples" spreads into every aspect of what we do, both with people who are part of our churches and those who are coming towards faith in Jesus.

Ministry Centre: Effective Mission

Vineyard churches want to bring the gospel of the kingdom wherever we sense God's leading, most often by planting culturally-relevant churches in a wide variety of settings. We are called to compassion and healing, leaning towards the lost, the poor, the outcast and the stranger as though we serve Jesus Himself.